
Devil's Corner, Tasmania

James Halliday对该酒庄的评分:★★★★★

l  我们的葡萄园 Our Vineyard


海上位置气候缓和并提供防冻保护。 西边的山脉吸收了大部分雨水,确保了优质的葡萄种植条件。


The Hazards Vineyard is located at the Devil’s Corner Cellar Door with sweeping views down to Moulting Lagoon with the Hazards range of mountains in the background.

The maritime location moderates the climate and provides frost protection. The mountains to the west attract most of the rain ensuring excellent grape growing conditions.

Devil’s Corner wines are very much a product of our stunning vineyard.

l  我们的酿酒技术 Our Winemaking

塔斯马尼亚最大的葡萄园The Hazards Vineyards,造就了味道浓郁的魔鬼阁葡萄酒。 葡萄藤暴露在自然环境中,我们尊重野生环境带来的不可预测性和力量。。

我们的酿酒师顽强而富有创造力,渴望创造一些特别的东西。 他们胸怀大志,敢于冒险,在别人不敢涉足的地方种植葡萄。

The intensity of flavour of Devil’s Corner wines is specific to The Hazards Vineyards, the largest vineyard in Tasmania. The vines are exposed to the elements and we respect the unpredictability and force that being in the wild can bring.

Our winemakers are tenacious and creative with a desire to create something special. They aspire to think big, be bold and plant grapes in places others wouldn’t dare. 



